best computer operating systems 2020.

Computers are a revolutionary invention that changed the course of human civilization. It has evolved from massive desktop boxes to revolutionary laptops and smartphones. Even we cannot keep up with the rapid technological development. The truth that many rarely talk about is what makes these devices work the way they do. We are of course talking about the OS known as "OS". Without the operating system, computers or a smartphone cannot function simply. ♦ ◄ So what is the operating system - OS? Operating system, which is denoted by the acronym "OS", is a set of related programs. And it is considered the mediator between the user and the physical accessories of the device (computer or smartphone), and it is the basic system that other programs can work on on smart devices. ◄ ◄ History of the evolution of operating systems: Operating systems were first developed in the early 1950s to manage tape storage. At that time, GM's research laboratory developed...